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“Do You Wonder Why Others Are Getting All The Jobs — And Not You?”

Don’t worry, you didn’t imagine it.   You’re not the unluckiest person in the world when it comes to getting the job.

You are being beat out simply because the job winners know something you don’t.


They have the secret aces up their sleeves that are swiping the jobs clean out of your hands and to them, it’s like taking candy from a baby.

In fact they’re banking on you tripping up by not applying the techniques they use because let’s face it, they want the lion share of the pick when it comes to jobs and they sure as heck DON’T want to share with you…your loss is their gain.

If Love Is A Battlefield — Then Job Competition Is A Bloodbath

It’s a dog eat dog world and if you’ve been applying for jobs for a while now, you’re not going crazy, it’s a war zone out there.  Things just got a whole lot tougher with less jobs out there and more people competing for them.


That’s why you need the insider tips to give you the edge over your competition and to even up the score in your favor.
There are people out there benefiting from these tips and getting their pick of the jobs simply because they’re not doing what everyone else does.
They don’t follow the pack or the “herd” mentality which is why they enjoy the spoils of a leader.
Don’t worry, YOU can get this knowledge to even up the playing field and to get your pick of the jobs too.

  • So what are they doing so differently from you that’s putting them head and shoulders above the rest?
  • What are they doing that you’re not?
  • What habits and mindset do you need to have that’s costing you the job and landing it straight into their laps?

Simple — A Damn Good Cover Letter!

A cover letter is like a sneak preview of the product you’re selling which is

That’s right, all too often people write the same old drab that gets their cover letter tossed into the trash bin and they wonder why they’re still hitting their head against a brick wall.
In fact they don’t realize just how crucial it is to craft a knock out cover letter.
These days employers and recruiters expect cover letters, you fail to wow them with a paragraph and you can kiss the job goodbye.


Because if your cover letter fails to sell you can forget going further with the job process, in fact if your cover letter sucks they’re not even going to finish reading it and you can forget your resume ever seeing the light of day.

You may be the most qualified person for the job but you will always get beat out by the person with the better cover letter because they get noticed over you.
The rule is, the person that gets the attention, gets the job.  They are better at selling themselves than you are and are literally mopping up the floor with you.  It isn’t always the person with the best education or experience that wins, it’s the person with the best cover letter.

Think about it, so many job applicants focus 90% of their attention on their resume and forget that it’s the cover letter that determines whether or not your resume will ever get read. Eager to discover the secret tactics and tricks to tip the scales in your favor?

Want to turn your luck around and get employers chasing you for a change?

Fed up of losing out to the competition time after time?

Wondering when it’s your turn to get that job?

Here’s a simple system that’s going to stack the job winning odds in your favor, called “You’re Hired!”


You absolutely need “You’re  Hired” if you want to change the results you’re getting and start seeing some job offers.

With “You’re Hired!”, you’ll discover:


How To Ethically Steal Your Employers Attention Away From Your Competitors And Keep Them All To Yourself 

Which Part Of The Cover Letter Is Most Vital, Screw Up On This And Bank That Your Cover Letter Is Used To Mop Up Spilt Coffee With 

Discover How Little Time You Really Have To “Wow” Your Employer, HINT – It’s A Lot Less Than 30 Seconds – Knowing This Fact Can Crush Your Competition 

Unearth Your Abilities And Attributes Buried Deep Within To Give Yourself A Head Start In The Game

Get Your Phone Ringing Off The Hook With Powerful Cover Letters That Demand Attention Regardless Of Your Work History, Experience Or Qualifications

Craft Winning Cover Letters That Command Attention For ANY Job Position In Any Field You Apply For

Land The Job Of Your Dreams And Have The Pick Of The Bunch By Learning The Stealth Techniques Your Competition Uses

The Psychological Triggers And Words That Will Burn Your Cover Letter Into Your Employer’s Mind And Get Them To Pick Up The Phone And Call You

Dramatically Increase Your Response Rate And Job Offers Flying Your Way That You’ll Have Your Pick Of The Bunch And Afford You To Be Choosy – Even In These Economic Times

…and lots more!
A well crafted cover letter can say a lot about you, even if you’re not the most qualified person for the job you can still get the upper hand.
Create your own luck because cover letters that scream to be read and jump off the pile are made and not born.
Once you’re armed with the tools of the trade, you’ll be churning out cover letters that push all the right buttons and make your employer to be wake up and take notice.
If you’re serious about getting the job, you can’t afford not to get this.  Think of it as an investment in your future.

Every second you’re without “You’re Hired” is costing you the job and giving it to someone else.
Don’t give your next job away!  Order “You’re Hired!” and get that job now!